Look, I'm not for wealth distribution via government intervention, but to label POTUS as the "food stamp president" is misleading. To say that makes people believe that he got into office and just decided to hand out food stamps to people who didn't need it. We forget that this government had already acquired a considerably large amount of debt by the time he took office. Following years of military extravaganzas in the middle east, the US had racked up quite a deficit.
So, when he took office, the economy was already in shambles. The stock market begun its downward spiral in the summer of 2008 and when he took office in January of 2009 his primary responsibility was to, aside from protect the country, stabilize the languishing economy. Consider this analogy: when a terribly injured person comes into the ER, surgery is not the first course of action. Before any diagnosis or procedural plan can be drawn up, the patient first must be stabilized to secure a natural point before any invasive work can be done. So, before he could have started to fix the economy he had to stabilize it.
Furthermore, what do his critics think people on food stamps do with the food stamps? Hang them up in their living rooms as testaments to their supposed laziness? No, they spend it on..... that's right, food! And who does that benefit? Oh, yeah, the grocery stores. And when grocery stores sell more products, what gets a boost? Food ordered from companies like Cisco, CBI, etc. Then they hire more people to process the food and, in turn, the farms hire more people to grow the food to begin with.
To act like food stamps just adorn the walls of the poor and serve no further purpose is short-sighted and, frankly, ignorant. I don't always agree with President Obama, but to criticize him -- so repeatedly -- for lending a helping hand to those who need it most (and in turn allowing the economy to maintain its customer base) is just wrong.
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