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Monday, January 16, 2012

Jon Huntsman Drop-Out

I'm sad to see Jon Huntsman leave.  This marks the departure of the rational Republican from the current GOP race.  He says his followers should join ranks with those of Mitt Romney's.  I'm hesitant but perhaps I'll follow.  I'm skeptical of his corporate looting with Bain and I'm irritated by his insistence that he's not a lifelong politician.  Make no mistake, that fact isn't by choice.  If he had it his way, he'd have won elections since 1994 and would have been in Washington for nearly twenty years.

There was a funny cartoon in the New Yorker this week that depicted a yard sign for Romney.  In small print above his name, there was the following: "Oh, alright, fine."  I think that cartoon does a good job of outlining the sentiments of those who are slowly trotting along toward Romney's camp.


  1. what do you think constitutes corporate looting?

  2. Investing $5 Million into a company, serving as a consulting firm for said company, having the company take out tons of loans, charging them $120 Million and then advising that the company file for bankruptcy and dissolve.

    That wasn't the normal course of action at Bain, but it did happen.
